suitable program
The natural desire of any parent is to grow the child strong and healthy. Obviously, sports can help the child in this. However, there is not always an unequivocal answer to the question: at what age should a child be enrolled in a particular sports section or school?
Of course, everything is very individual here. What matters is the sex of the child, the degree of his development, and finally, a predisposition to any kind of sport. In this case, it is simply necessary that the child himself would have the desire to practice, because attending the “hard labor” workouts chosen by his parents will only negatively affect his mental health. If parents do not take into account the child’s readiness to play sports, they may be faced with the fact that the child will soon be asked to pick him up from the section. Continue reading
10 fun ways to become more active
Do you know that an active lifestyle is good for your health and body, but you can’t force yourself to start playing sports? There are many alternative opportunities to be active every day.
You know that you have to be active to maintain the health and beauty of your body, but you can’t force yourself to start playing sports? Perhaps you have already tried to go to the gym or run in the morning, but I realized that it was not yours and refused the idea. There are many ways and ideas of actively spending time on every day. Each of these ten fun solutions will be the best alternative to relaxing in front of the TV or other inactive activities.
Run for children or a dog in the yard Continue reading
Quantity or quality: what is more important in berpie?
If you were once offered to do one exercise instead of ten and promised to lose weight and tone your muscles, you would hardly believe in this possibility. What is this magical training? Burpee is a unique alternative to the usual twisting, rocking press and straps, subject to the technique. How to make it right – read below.
What is berpy
To understand the essence of the exercise, recall the facts from the history of its occurrence. The popularity of berpie gained in the late 30s of the last century. Continue reading