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Acrobatics for children: what is useful and harmful

Acrobatic skills quickly come to the initial level, if not deal with regularity. Riding a bike or swimming will remain forever, but flexibility, strength and agility must be trained. Talk about acrobatics?
Acrobatics is a very ancient discipline. She was known in Egypt for 2300 years BC. e., as well as in ancient Greece and Rome. It is a kind of gymnastics, but more spectacular. Acrobatics, as well as gymnastics, fully utilize dexterity, balance, plasticity and strength to build complex elements and their combinations.
Translation of the word “acrobatics” means “to go around the edge” or “climb up.”
Previously, acrobats called only circus artists who perform dangerous stunts on top. Today, the sport is divided into directions:
Sports acrobatics was formed in the 30s of the XX century. She is jumping, steam and group.
Circus – is a spectacular elements and tricks performed in the circus.
Special – is part of the dance, used in martial arts, as well as for the preparation of combat units.
The benefits of employment
First of all, acrobatics will tame the child’s irrepressible energy, because not only will strength be required to perform the exercises, but also a high concentration of attention. As a result of fatigue, both the body and the nervous system are exposed. It is worth thinking about whether to give the child to classes if he has several hours of other mental or physical exertion.
Classes in the first months will strengthen the muscular corset and form a beautiful posture. Acrobatic clubs are quite suitable for schoolchildren, at this age they find it difficult to do without movement, and the exercises will become for them a breath of clean air.
Small acrobats will be able to quickly respond to unsafe situations, keep the balance and not fall, properly grouped, if the fall is not avoided. They will fulfill tasks for speed, dexterity and endurance with ease.
Acrobatics will help and quite clumsy children, because it is well trained vestibular apparatus and coordination.
Acrobatics: danger or health promotion?
Any physically active sport makes your bones stronger, improves the body’s immune response, trains the heart and improves muscle tone. Acrobatics in this regard is multifunctional and, in addition to the above, increases stamina, flexibility and balance.
Despite the huge list of advantages, parents are afraid for the health of the child. However, the probability of injury with a competent approach is as small as in other, less dangerous sports. A professional will never force a kid to do the impossible. Children begin to deal with a load that is feasible for them. After working out the supply and basic elements, they are preparing to do truly complex and beautiful things.
Part of the activity is young athletes are engaged in physical training and another part is devoted to working out the elements and their combinations. Moreover, the process is built from easy to complex. And, of course, coaches should acquaint children and parents with safety rules. Risks are not needed by anyone.
In the process, children are also taught groupings, elements of protection and insurance, which they can use not only in the classroom, but also in everyday life. To hold on and not slip on the ice, dodge a blow in a fight, or maybe even do a dance with elements of acrobatics – all this will be available to the child. The main thing is that the trainings are interesting for the kid and bring positive emotions.
How dangerous is acrobatics?
Experienced mentors assure that this type of gymnastics is at the level of danger with team sports or skiing. The unprepared kid will step by step learn simple exercises that will become more complicated as he gets used to the load.
To start making more or less complex elements, but still safe, the child will need to practice for at least a year, by this time he will be strong enough and enduring.
Acrobatics for children seems dangerous when you know nothing about it.
You know something. In training, the exercises are performed with a safety belt. Trainers also use rope safety systems, warm up the body well by warming up and stretching to avoid injuries. Learn more about the coach, whom you want to entrust the child, then there will be no doubt about the correctness of the choice.
An interesting fact: during training, small athletes do without injuries for a very long time, however, they can easily get hurt at home or fail unsuccessfully. Often, the desire to boast of their skills can result in trauma.
The task of the parents is to warn the child so that he has a full understanding of undesirable consequences and acts consciously.
Who is contraindicated in acrobatics?
You should check with your doctor before allowing your child to exercise severely.

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