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What determines the flexibility of a person? Is it important for athletes and ordinary fitness…

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Running now in trend. People go to trainings, prepare for races, compete with each other…

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Moms Note: Sport after Cesarean
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Unusual, but gaining in the form of training
Sometimes the usual forms of fitness bother and do not cause any more interest. Recently,…

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5 Exercises to Strengthen Leg Muscles That Are Better than Squats

This article will consider 5 exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs, which are more effective than squats
These exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs do not require any professional equipment, so they are perfect for daily trainings. If you spend at least half an hour a day on their implementation, a tangible result will come a few weeks later.
1. Body slopes on one leg with a weight
These exercises develop the muscles of the hips and buttocks and the best way to influence the back muscle group – one of the most vulnerable parts of the body of athletes. The exercise is performed as follows:
Take a weight of up to 10 kg in your right hand, lift your left leg.
Keeping your back straight, you need to bend down until you touch the weight on the floor on your outstretched right arm. The left leg is laid back and serves as a counterweight. You should also ensure that the shoulders are straight.
Return to starting position keeping your back straight. The approach consists of several such cycles. At first, it can be difficult to position the left leg and back parallel to the floor, but with each cycle you need to increase the amplitude of movements in order to improve the result.
2. Curtsy curtsy
It is necessary to become exactly, having put feet on shoulders width, and to place palms on hips. Now you need to take your left foot back and slightly to the right, thus crossing the legs. The right leg should be bent so that the knee of the left foot pulled back falls below the left ankle. The position does not change for some time, then straighten up smoothly and do the same for the other leg. Minute rest is recommended before changing the leg. One approach includes 10 such exercise cycles.
3. Exercise “Fire hydrant”
It is necessary to take a starting position in which they kneel, and straightened arms, which are shoulder-width apart, rest on the floor. Bend at the knees, too, should remain shoulder-width apart. Next, you need to raise the leg, without changing the position of other parts of the body. The withdrawn leg must be held for some time in this position, and then returned to its original position. Before you change your leg, you need to rest for a minute. Exercise perform 10 times per approach.
4. Imitation of climbing stairs
Exercising with climbing up the stairs is effective for developing muscles, but if you use regular chair, it can become even more effective:
You need to stand in front of a chair and put your left foot in the center of his seat.
Then you need to climb the chair, straightening his left leg. Right leg, bent at the knee, you need to push forward.
Now you need to return to the starting position.
Similar actions need to be repeated for the right leg.
The full approach consists of 20 exercise cycles.
5. Lifting the legs in the “Bear stand”
To take a starting position, you need to lie down on the floor and lift the torso so that the forearms are lying on the floor, and the tips of their fingers come out as a support from the side of the legs. The angle between the forearm and shoulder should be 90 degrees. Arms and legs should be placed shoulder-width apart.
Straining the muscles of the buttocks, you need to raise the right leg, without losing perpendicularity between the plane of the foot and the floor. After a pause, the leg must be returned to its original position. After a minute of rest, do the exercise for the other leg.

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