How to choose a sports section for children? It seems to be not the most…

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What worries a person from time immemorial? Not many things. Among them - surprise before…

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Pharmacology in bodybuilding or permitted anabolics
Professional athletes, bodybuilders, other fans of "muscular" sports often resort to the use of additional…


How to Make the Body Fit: Secrets of Hollywood Stars
Hollywood stars! It’s Surprisingly, It’s Your Health. They will help you build a perfect body.…


How to develop flexibility?
What determines the flexibility of a person? Is it important for athletes and ordinary fitness…

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Industrial gymnastics – for the benefit of the company

Australian scientists from the Australian University of Queensland have shown that there is almost no benefit from a morning jog if a person then sits at his desk for several hours in a row, and that the employees simply need at least minimal gymnastics.
According to the study (scientists studied data on 4,757 patients from 2003 to 2006), people whose professional duties were not limited to sitting at the computer, weight gain was not detected, and passive office plankton not only recovered, but also got dangerous indicators blood cholesterol levels.
Scientists recommend introducing regular sports breaks into the work schedule, which will not affect the performance of the enterprise, but, most likely, will make employees healthier and, as a result, more efficient. Continue reading

Fitness in the pool

Many people who want to keep fit and have a beautiful figure know that fitness classes in the pool are very effective and beneficial for their overall health. The main advantage of performing various exercises in water is the complete lack of possibility of injury.
When performing a set of exercises, tension of various muscles of the body occurs, as a result of which the body consumes more energy. Such exercises are suitable for people suffering from overweight. Continue reading

Sport and pregnancy

A visit to the fitness club is one of the integral parts of the life of modern girls. Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the body, keeps muscles in shape and helps to fight excess weight.
But with the onset of pregnancy, the lifestyle of most women is changing dramatically. Future mothers are afraid to play sports in order not to harm the child, but, at the same time, they do not want to lose the figure that they have been working on for a long time.
Research scientists have shown that moderate exercise during pregnancy has a positive effect on the development of the baby and the health of the mother. Continue reading

How to develop flexibility?
What determines the flexibility of a person? Is it important for athletes and ordinary fitness…


Absolutely everyone has probably heard about this popular game. Football is the most common game,…


How to develop flexibility?
What determines the flexibility of a person? Is it important for athletes and ordinary fitness…


Truth and bodybuilding rumors
In order for bodybuilding to be successful, it is necessary to pump not only muscles,…
