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Industrial gymnastics – for the benefit of the company

Australian scientists from the Australian University of Queensland have shown that there is almost no benefit from a morning jog if a person then sits at his desk for several hours in a row, and that the employees simply need at least minimal gymnastics.
According to the study (scientists studied data on 4,757 patients from 2003 to 2006), people whose professional duties were not limited to sitting at the computer, weight gain was not detected, and passive office plankton not only recovered, but also got dangerous indicators blood cholesterol levels.
Scientists recommend introducing regular sports breaks into the work schedule, which will not affect the performance of the enterprise, but, most likely, will make employees healthier and, as a result, more efficient.
In practice, there are two forms of industrial gymnastics:
– introductory gymnastics (prepares the person for the working day). The efficiency at the beginning of the work day is somewhat reduced, and it takes time for the body to fully engage in work and enter the normal optimal pace of the production process. Physical culture before starting work provides an accelerated entry into labor (training) activities, contributes to a high and stable performance, preventing early onset of fatigue.
In the complex introductory gymnastics usually include walking, running on the spot, bends, turns, exercises for arms and legs, stretching, squats, jumps, as well as exercises for accuracy of movement and concentration.
– physical breaks (active rest). The complex is a set of exercises in the hunt, warm-up (swinging) for arms and legs, squats, jumps, running, as well as exercises in relaxation of the most active muscle groups with dynamic efforts for others.
There is also the so-called “physical fitness”, which prevents fatigue and maintains high performance. As a rule, physical exercise consists of 2-3 exercises that are performed independently. Physical fitness is recommended at the end of each hour of work.
It is also advisable to carry out production gymnastics during the lunch break, about 3-4 minutes before the start of work.
If possible, it is advisable to conduct production gymnastics in the open air, or in a ventilated room, with music. It is desirable to diversify physical exercises in the complexes, replacing them with new ones that are similar in effect on the body.
Fitness in the office is not only organized exercise. In modern companies, management often installs a pair of simulators where employees can relieve mental stress and work out for a couple of minutes.
Instead of sitting, the head can organize a simple walk in the fresh air, the park, with his staff (if the conference does not provide for a lot of statistical and graphic materials).
Talking on the phone, it is not necessary to sit at your workplace. It is better to get up and talk a little while talking.

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Industrial gymnastics - for the benefit of the company
Australian scientists from the Australian University of Queensland have shown that there is almost no…
