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6 bad habits in fitness

We are engaged in fitness in order to deal with the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, and this is commendable. Not a few bad habits can make every effort in fitness in vain.
We are engaged in fitness in order to deal with the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, we make efforts to achieve our goals. It’s a shame, but just a few mistakes in fitness can make all the efforts in vain.
If you are interested, then you most likely suspect that you are doing something wrong, and your fitness goals seem unattainable. Errors in fitness can not have anything to do with the selected workouts, the number of repetitions and approaches. As a rule, mistakes go beyond the limits of the training process, get rid of them, and then the training will begin to bring the long-awaited result.
Whether because of self-confidence, or because of embarrassment, people do not ask how to use the simulators and do the exercises. If you do an exercise incorrectly, they are not only useless, but also dangerous.
Before you perform any action in training, make sure that you know how to do it correctly.
Training on an empty stomach
Exercise on an empty stomach is strictly prohibited, and if you heard that this will help you lose weight, do not believe it. Exercising on an empty stomach will lead to muscle depletion, the level of glucose in the blood will be at a minimum level, and the body will have to use muscle glycogen stores as energy. In order to build muscles, and not lose them, you must replenish the level of glucose in the blood before each workout. If you do fitness in the morning, but do not like to have breakfast, prepare an easy meal in the evening, which will appeal to, for example, yogurt with added berries.
Too much cardio
Another mistake of those who are desperate to lose weight, they torture themselves with cardio before losing their pulse in order to burn more calories. Excess cardio leads to exhaustion of muscle mass and the effect of a plateau in losing weight, that is, to stop weight loss. To maintain the form will be enough for a few fifteen-minute cardio sessions per week, in the program for weight loss, cardio should be combined with power loads.
To starve or eat the wrong food
In order to be in shape, do not need to starve, you need to eat right. Each fitness goal has its own nutritional system, there are no goals to achieve which would require starvation. The body needs protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats in sufficient quantities, the lack of one of these components will result in a failure in training.
Sleep less
Full sleep is necessary for muscle recovery, without it you will not be able to train. With a lack of sleep, the body experiences stress, the stress hormone cortisol rises, testosterone and growth hormone decrease. With such a hormonal imbalance it is impossible to lose weight and gain muscle mass.
Follow a protein diet
Protein is needed to repair damaged muscles, but too much protein is not beneficial for health and weight loss.
The predominance of protein products speeds up fat metabolism, as protein digestion requires a lot of energy. To maintain the balance of protein should fall no more than 30% of the daily caloric intake.

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