What is the use of triathlon?
Triathlon training is not only available to athletes participating in competitions. Triathlon and get all…

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Protein. How to take to grow steel muscles?
Millions of people every day are wondering - how to bring your body in perfect…

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Stretching at home - the effect on the face
With the help of stretching, you can make your muscles more elastic and sturdier, tighten…


How to keep your body in shape
Everyone wants to look good, but not everyone knows the basic principles that should be…


Female Fitness: Myths about women in the fitness industry
In the gym, we find a distinction between the loads for men and women's fitness…

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Running now in trend. People go to trainings, prepare for races, compete with each other for kilometers in mobile applications, posting photos of their distances on the social network. Of course, this is wonderful – the mass passion for sports can not but rejoice. However, for the mindless pursuit of fashion – injuries that beginners get from ignorance. Sports doctor, a former doctor and physiotherapist of the women’s basketball club Spartak (Vidnoe), spoke about the most common mistakes of novice amateur athletes and shared her professional advice.
How do you start running? Continue reading


A modern adult is increasingly trying to move away from the stereotype of “lying on the couch” at the TV lazy. And this is the right decision, because an active life position not only helps a person to see the world in all its colors, but also strengthens health, helps to prolong and improve the quality of life. Sports will help you to gain perfect physical form, strengthen immunity, look at life in a new way and achieve success in life, because physical activity develops stamina and strength of mind in a person. Therefore, if you want to start playing sports, you need to consider many options and choose the most suitable one for you.
Fitness and gym Continue reading

Sport in the life of a woman after giving birth

Every woman has a different recovery period after giving birth. Before you start to play sports and give the body increased physical activity after carrying a child, you should consult with the gynecologist and find out how much the body has recovered after pregnancy and childbirth.
All young mothers are different: someone is already starting to run in the second month after giving birth, and someone needs a longer time to recover. On average, a woman needs about 100 days to fully recover from childbirth. During this period, doctors do not recommend engaging in hard sports and overloading the body, even if the child is on artificial feeding. If there are tears during the birth, you can play sports after six months to avoid the danger of seam divergence. Continue reading

What is the use of triathlon?
Triathlon training is not only available to athletes participating in competitions. Triathlon and get all…


Handstand - not a dream, but a reality
In sport, there are often exercises that have a special beauty of performance. Handstand is…


Truth and bodybuilding rumors
In order for bodybuilding to be successful, it is necessary to pump not only muscles,…


Exercises for flexibility. Best exercises
What is body flexibility, what does it depend on and why does it need to…
