We train on Siluyanov: features and advantages of the technique
Sports can bring both benefit and harm. To get the desired result safely for health, we suggest using a technique based on the physiological features of the body structure.
As you know, tips on the Internet can be given both by professionals and by very green amateurs who have achieved their first results and are euphoric about what happened. Follow untested recommendations is fraught with a state of overtraining, injury, a significant delay in achieving the goals. Distinguishing professionals from expressive beginners is easy. Just look at the person in front of you.
Today, we present to your attention the developments of Viktor Nikolayevich Seluyanov, professor, head of the IT in Sport research laboratory at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The presence of specialized education, deep immersion in the topic and a purely scientific approach to the study allowed the author to develop a training method that takes into account the peculiarities of the physiological structure of the human body.
What is the meaning of the methodology?
It is not enough to know the level of your main metabolism or refer yourself to ecto-, meso- or endomorphs. It is also necessary to take into account a number of other parameters characterizing the state of the body and its individual parts.
For example, the Seluyanov training method involves changing the nature of the loads for patients with atherosclerosis. Whereas for healthy people with clean vessels, intense training will only benefit, for people with atherosclerotic plaques, working with projectiles of great weight threatens to tear the plaque due to high blood pressure. A detached plaque can lead to blockage of important vessels and the development of serious health consequences, even death.
The age, the general level of physical training, a state of health, and also the purposes and tasks which the novice athlete sets itself are taken into account. The technique can also be used by those who have been playing sports for a long time and want to improve their performance.
How to make a plan of strength training for Seluyanov?
How to perform exercises with more weight and not get injured? It is necessary to understand and take into account the structure and operation of all parts of the musculoskeletal system, to monitor not only the muscular feeling, but also the correct location of body parts in space. It would seem simple. But, unfortunately, injuries in the hall happen almost daily, and seemingly experienced bodybuilders drop out to recover for weeks.
To get the maximum effect, it is necessary during exercise to reach maximum tension and fully engage the muscles in the work. This can be done in three ways:
increased intensity: the maximum number of repetitions in this case is 3, the neuromuscular control of the technique of execution comes first;
the implementation of several approaches with an average load intensity: the number of repetitions up to 12 per visit, the weight is chosen in such a way as to perform movements at the limit of possibilities;
by increasing the number of repetitions at a low intensity of the load up to 25 per approach with the number of sets of 3-5.
The distribution of the load on training days
The author of the methodology recommends training 4 times a week. At the same time, during each of the workouts it is recommended to deeply study one of the body parts. Adequate distribution of the load allows you to start the growth of muscle mass, gradually gain endurance. The technique of Seluyanov is an excellent prevention of the state of overtraining, since there is enough time for recovery between workouts for the same muscle groups of the body.
A sample workout plan might look like this:
first day: we load the upper part of the back (deltas and trapezoid muscles), the rest of the muscle groups are trained with minimal intensity;
second day: working out the press and the extensor muscles of the upper limbs;
take a break for 1-2 days;
third day: we train the leg extensor muscles and the arm flexor group, the rest of the body is minimally loaded;
fourth day: deep study of the flexor of the legs;
take a break of 1-2 days and start over.
Viktor Nikolaevich Seluyanov issued several manuals for those who want to train safely. Also in the network you can find videos with his participation. This will help you delve deeper into the topic.
Basic principles of interval training
The author recommends following the simple rules:
We do not force: to achieve a significant increase in endurance, speed, muscle mass and strength indicators can not be simultaneously, only gradual and constant progress;
loads must be comparable with physiological qualities (for example, it is possible to increase the stroke volume of the heart only from the age of 18, before it can only damage the heart muscle);
first, physiology, then results: the athlete can withstand quite large loads only if the body achieves a balance of oxygen consumption by skeletal muscles and the myocardium.