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Quantity or quality: what is more important in berpie?

If you were once offered to do one exercise instead of ten and promised to lose weight and tone your muscles, you would hardly believe in this possibility. What is this magical training? Burpee is a unique alternative to the usual twisting, rocking press and straps, subject to the technique. How to make it right – read below.
What is berpy
To understand the essence of the exercise, recall the facts from the history of its occurrence. The popularity of berpie gained in the late 30s of the last century. We owe the invention to the physiologist Royal Hudleston Burpy, who described him in a scientific work on applied physiology, but his berpie was different from the one they are doing now.
This is how Royal saw him:
squat, placing palms near the feet;
we are in the bar;
in a jump we pull up our legs to ourselves, we rise.
This exercise is sometimes called the “burpy”, and it was originally used as an indicator of a person’s physical abilities. According to the inventor Mr. Burpy himself, burpy is an indicator of the ability of the heart to pump blood through the body while it is changing its position in space with great speed. Speed ​​of repetition is the same level of physical fitness.
During the Second World War, an exercise was used to evaluate recruits: a standard stood before a young man – 12 berpis in 20 seconds.
In 1946, the soldiers were obliged to perform, ideally, 41 repetitions in 1 minute, less than 27 repetitions was considered a poor indicator. Royal himself could not have imagined that one day his invention would be done with such intensity. He said that “military modification of the exercise is too complicated,” because for those who have insufficiently developed core muscles, there is a risk of injury to the knees and spine.
Berpie Exercise: Technique
Most of the athletes, when they first heard about berpi, claim that there is nothing difficult in the technique of execution, but after 5 approaches they take their words back. This exercise is actively involved in crossfit programs, its influence on all muscle groups is highly valued in sports.
Consider the standard execution technique:
from the starting position “standing” you should squat down and then put your hands on the floor;
quick leg ejection back, take the strap position;
push up from the floor;
return to a sitting position and jump as high as possible by performing a pop above your head;
Repeat the exercise n-number of times without stopping.
Before doing this, you must perform a warm-up in order to warm up the muscles, in order to avoid injury. Pre-warm-up will help to perform the exercise more smoothly, saves joints. In addition, it is important to ensure that there is no deflection in the back, but it is also not necessary to stoop – the body must form a straight line.
Trainers recommend doing the exercise in the number of repetitions, which does not cause much discomfort. Below we give the recommended number of repetitions for people with different levels of physical fitness.
beginner: 4 sets of 2 minutes each. Rest between sets – 1 minute;
intermediate level: 6 sets of 2 minutes each. Rest for 1 minute;
high level: 6 sets of 3 minutes. Also 1 minute to relax;
advanced: 6 sets of 3 minutes each, for rest 30 seconds.
Training is effective not only for those who just want to bring themselves into shape, improve muscle tone, but also for those who want to quickly lose weight.
Burpy Slimming Exercise
Those who are looking for ways to reduce weight, which will really lead to the desired result, have already paid attention to this training. The glory of Berpie steps ahead of him, and he is credited with various miraculous properties.
To show the effectiveness of burning calories with berpie, let us give an example: a person with a weight of 75 kilograms of slow walking will burn 150 kcal, while walking at an average pace – 480 kcal, jumping on a skipping rope – 550 kcal, and a magical berpie with an hour-long workout will help him burn – 990 kcal!
The benefits of the exercise are obvious:
No special equipment is required. All you need is your own body and desire to practice.
Training the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, improving blood circulation and the overall beneficial effects on metabolic processes in the body. Burpee – a great choice for morning exercises.
Exercise helps to develop endurance and train coordination. Excellently helps in burning calories, as it combines both strength training and cardio.
Saving of time, after all it is enough to make only several approaches for high-grade training.
Exercise actively affects various muscle groups such as: abdominals, deltoids, pectoralis major, buttocks and calves, triceps, quadriceps, etc. Active muscle work and an intense pace contribute to high energy consumption, and this, in turn, is the basis of weight loss.

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