Walking up the stairs - go up correctly
In this article we will talk about this kind of fitness. Like walking on the…

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BOSU fitness
The name of bosu-fitness comes from the simulator of the same name, which commemorates the…

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Industrial gymnastics - for the benefit of the company
Australian scientists from the Australian University of Queensland have shown that there is almost no…


Unusual, but gaining in the form of training
Sometimes the usual forms of fitness bother and do not cause any more interest. Recently,…


Healthy lifestyle for everyone - start walking
Usually walking is not considered as a serious load, as a result of which a…

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require starvation

How to look for motivation for sports for men and women?

In sports, the person becomes different. His outlook and attitude towards life is changing. Thoughts become cleaner. However, to begin to engage you need to find individual motivation. Let’s look at what the main incentives are advised to use by experienced athletes and what is effective.
Motivation from the Latin language is translated “move.” This psychoactive process drives a person to achieve goals. In sports, the concept has great value, because each athlete defines his own incentives, tasks. They help him achieve goals more quickly.
Motivation features Continue reading

Handstand – not a dream, but a reality

In sport, there are often exercises that have a special beauty of performance. Handstand is no exception. How to learn to perform this spectacular exercise? How to stand on your hands so as not to lose the ease of movement and the correct technique? Are you asking these questions? Our article is for you.
To begin with, let’s say that this exercise not only has natural beauty, but also brings a lot of benefit to the body. Begin to train and understand how the handstand develops. Among its many advantages, we note:
strengthening the shoulder girdle;
back muscle pumping;
strengthening the abdominal muscles; Continue reading

6 bad habits in fitness

We are engaged in fitness in order to deal with the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, and this is commendable. Not a few bad habits can make every effort in fitness in vain.
We are engaged in fitness in order to deal with the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, we make efforts to achieve our goals. It’s a shame, but just a few mistakes in fitness can make all the efforts in vain.
If you are interested, then you most likely suspect that you are doing something wrong, and your fitness goals seem unattainable. Errors in fitness can not have anything to do with the selected workouts, the number of repetitions and approaches. As a rule, mistakes go beyond the limits of the training process, get rid of them, and then the training will begin to bring the long-awaited result. Continue reading

What do you know about man's muscles?
Undoubtedly, many of you will answer that we need muscles only for strength and for…


6 bad habits in fitness
We are engaged in fitness in order to deal with the consequences of a sedentary…


Healthy lifestyle for everyone - start walking
Usually walking is not considered as a serious load, as a result of which a…


Fitness in the pool
Many people who want to keep fit and have a beautiful figure know that fitness…
