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Pharmacology in bodybuilding or permitted anabolics

Professional athletes, bodybuilders, other fans of “muscular” sports often resort to the use of additional drugs. Such means of achieving the goal are fraught with health problems, but there are permitted drugs that will be discussed further.
Features of pharmaceutical support in sports
Pharmacology in bodybuilding today is developing progressively, actively offering a large number of supplements that allow you to effectively gain muscle mass in a short period. However, it is necessary to recognize that bodybuilding and pharmacology are simply inseparable, and here it is necessary to clearly define the permissible framework for taking the drugs.
A specially developed method of application of certain pills minimizes the risks, because it includes only the authorized funds that are available in pharmacies.
Together with proper nutrition, regular workouts, taking sports supplements, the technique will allow you to achieve your goal in gaining muscle mass. This approach reduces the risk of harm to health, although the results will be slower than from the reception of modern “chemistry”.
Safety of pharmacological weight gain
Applying pharmaceutical anabolic in bodybuilding was able to prove their high efficiency. So, for 4 training months, athletes manage to increase muscle mass by 12-15 kg. At the same time, the muscles gained in this way do not melt without a trace, one has only to stop the course, but to consolidate thoroughly and for a long time.
A similar result was shown without the use of sports supplements. If you include in the program, then the efficiency will increase, and the total weight gained will be more. The described method will help those who suffer from excess fat. It will give the muscles a relief, pronounced form.
What to expect?
In order to immediately dispel the myth of super-fast muscle mass gain, it is worthwhile to designate: to the visible result often passes from 3 to 9 months, depending on the fitness of the athlete, the features of the body structure. Legal pharma in bodybuilding does not give such results as prohibited chemistry, but with health problems will be less.
Preparations that are available on the shelves of pharmacies are used in the construction of a training regime by many foreign and Russian bodybuilders. On their basis, the specialists of our sports medicine create courses, schemes, combinations of reception, which show significant results. But just to take a certain course of pills is not enough, it is necessary to back it up with exercises, proper nutrition, and observance of the training regimen.
An important element is the correct selection of the course, which is caused by several factors:
The results of medical examinations, analyzes of a single athlete.
The presence of contraindications.
Individual portability of certain components.
The presence of serious chronic diseases.
Psychological, behavioral condition of the athlete.
Thus, taking into account these factors, after consulting with a trainer, doctors, you can begin to develop a course that will help you achieve your goal without harm to your health.
What drugs can be used, what are they for?
Legal anabolics and pharmacology in bodybuilding is quite an extensive, well-studied section, which is changing every year. It is accepted to divide drugs into hard-to-reach (read: prohibited) that cannot be found in the public domain. Free anabolics, of which a tremendous abundance can be found by visiting the nearest pharmacy. With such tools, the manufacturer will not write “muscle pills”, so it should be understood that in what quantities to take, because the goal is not to harm yourself, but rather to achieve results.
Before buying a particular medicine, go through the examination, consult your doctor, or, better, a medical professional with an appropriate sports education. Whatever the experience of sports, a person with a special education knows better. Therefore, do not neglect the qualified assistance at the initial stage, so that later no more serious medical intervention is needed. So what pharmaceuticals cause accelerated muscle growth?
Exceeds in its effectiveness all drugs for muscle mass permitted group. Insulin is in the body of each person, it performs the transport function by adjusting the blood sugar level. The hormone gained popularity among athletes due to its peculiarity to enhance the synthesis of protein compounds. Besides:
Insulin interferes with catabolism.
Stimulates the growth of muscle tissue.
Enhances the production of fatty acids.
Easily accessible.
Virtually no fakes.
The minimum list of side effects.
Compatible with other medicines.
However, the hormone has drawbacks, including the tendency to the appearance of fat deposits, a sharp decrease in the level of sugar, difficulty in taking. As the most serious side effect, there is an imbalance in the synthesis of one’s own hormone, but taking the remedy wisely can eliminate this factor.

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