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How to pump up the press: everything is simple

The abdominal region consists of four muscle groups. The transverse abdominal muscle (transversus abdominis) lies inside, supporting your internal organs. Internal oblique muscles run diagonally from the pelvis to the sternum, while the external obliques lie above them, helping you to bend and rotate the body. Above the transverse muscle is the rectus abdominis muscle, which is what we call the abs.
Starting at the pelvic bone, it attaches to the sternum. The rectus abdominis supports the straight back and allows you to lean forward. Connecting fibers, crossing it across, create the very same six cubes that serve as irrefutable proof of fryiness and good physical shape. Although various exercises involve the abdominal muscles in different ways, such concepts as “top” and “bottom” of the press do not exist. During the exercise, all the rectus abdominis is stimulated at once.
The abdominal muscles are not only an important element in the performance of other exercises in your program, they also play a major role in bodybuilding.
A bodybuilder taking part in competitions must have an excellent set of abdominal muscles in order to take a podium place. From an aesthetic point of view, the abdominal muscles attract attention primarily because they must represent a proportional and harmonious physique. In addition, the belly with the cubes of the press shows that the athlete is in excellent shape, and helps to demonstrate the V-shaped torso.
Abdomen with dice press helps to demonstrate the V-shaped torso
If you stick to a healthy eating plan and adhere to a comprehensive training regime, embossed dice press can be a reality for you.
Hard and hard! “But if the abdominals are
big, they will fill me up. “It is not true! The abdominals consist of a very thin layer of muscles and it will be difficult to increase them in size, therefore, this is not a reason not to train the abs. This statement is also true for internal oblique abdominal muscles. They are by no means They won’t make your waist wide. These muscles also need to be trained, but with a couple of light approaches a week.
Training the abdominal muscles conditionally divided into lower, upper section and the outer and inner oblique muscle. Your training program should consist of exercises that work through each of these areas.
Below are the most popular exercises for training the press:
1. Concentric cranks (rectus abdominis muscle)
Lie on the floor, hands behind your head. Raise bent legs to chest while sitting down. Pull your elbows forward to your knees.
2. Partial body lifts (upper rectus abdominis)
This exercise can be performed with or without additional burdening, depending on your fitness level and strength.
3. Elevations of straight legs (rectus abdominis muscle)
Fold your head against the wall, hands under the buttocks palms down. Pull the socks off. Raise your straight legs as high as possible.
4. “Frog” body rises (rectus abdominis muscle)
Lie on the floor. Connect the feet together, bending the legs at the knees and turning them to the sides. Hands behind head. Pull the head up and forward until the abdominal muscles are fully contracted.
5. Lifting the hips (lower rectus abdominis)
Lie on the floor, hands under the buttocks palms down. Bending your legs at the knees, cross them around the ankles and expand. Pull the legs to the chest.
6. Lifting the knee to the elbow (obliques)
Lie on the floor, hands behind your head. Raise the left knee to the left elbow until it touches. Hold for one second. Lower it. Now lift the right knee to the right elbow.
7. Tilts to the side with a dumbbell (frontal obliques)
Avoid this exercise if you naturally have a wide waist. Take a dumbbell in one hand. Slightly leaning back, follow the slope from side to side. The dumbbell slides along the thigh, the palm looks inward.
1 strategy – multiple repetitions
It’s simple. Do 200 twists at a time. Better than 500. The great Serge Nubre with his anrial press did simple twisting 2,000 times in the morning. After every 50th rep, roll over on your stomach and stretch the abs, continue immediately.
2 strategy – supersets
Choose about 6-8 exercises and do each 10-15 times, pauses between exercises are not. Those. a total of about 60-120 repetitions.
3 strategy – interval
Take one exercise and jump rope. Next, do so 1 minute skipping rope – 30 seconds press. Repeat without pause at least 10 times.
4 strategy – increase time
Some exercises for the press are carried out in a static position, for example, a plank. When you increase the duration of the exercise for pumping the press, you complicate the workout, and make your abdominal muscles respond and grow.
5 strategy – slow backward
To pump up the press and make your body attractive, do not overlook this advanced training technique. You perform a repetition at normal speed, and then return the case to its original position.

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