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Yoga for weight loss – types and exercises

The concept of yoga comes from Indian culture. It includes spiritual practices and exercise in order to achieve a person’s elevated state or nirvana.
Many people confuse yoga and fitness, because they see it in the schedule of halls. But these are different directions: yoga works both on the body and on the mind.
First, during intense breathing exercises, the body is saturated with oxygen and the metabolism is accelerated. Due to this, weight loss will be more effective.
Secondly, the whole body is tightened and becomes more slender, as all muscle groups work.
Thirdly, regular exercises have a positive effect on the digestive tract and stimulate the excretion of toxins and toxins. The general state of health improves, appetite decreases and the skin is transformed.
Yoga for weight loss is a great kind of load for beginners.
Iyengar Yoga
Suitable for those who suffered injury and physically weak. All asanas are simple and pass in a static mode. Belts, rollers and supports are used.
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga
In this practice, asanas are aimed at developing strength and endurance, so it will suit physically trained people. Asanas are carried out through transitions – Vinyasa. At one lesson, you can burn 300-350 kcal, improve body relief and coordination.
Kundalini Yoga
Develops the respiratory system, the effect of training is similar to aerobic exercise. It has a lot of asanas for flexibility and inclinations, so for those who have heart problems, it will not work. During the lesson, 400 kcal is burned and flexibility is developed.
Bikram Yoga or Hot Yoga
Since the birthplace of yoga – India, for training in the hall simulates a tropical climate with a temperature of 40 degrees. Under such conditions, the muscles become more elastic and intense sweating occurs. In one session, you can lose 2-3 kg. Despite the fact that all postures are simple, this yoga is not suitable for those who have heart and kidney problems.
Hatha Yoga
This is a classic type of yoga, on the basis of which other directions arose. With a slow pace of asanas, the muscles of the whole body are worked out. The effect can be compared to strength training.
Slimming yoga exercises
To perform all the asanas, you need to dress comfortably and spread the mat. No shoes needed, you can do barefoot or socks. On a full stomach is better not to train.
Pose of a boat or Navasana
Working through the press and legs. Sit on the buttocks, lift the legs up about 45 degrees and tilt the torso back, back straight. Straight arms push forward for balance. The pose resembles the letter V. Hold asana for 30 seconds. Each time you need to increase.
Ardha navasana
This is a modified previous asana. Keep your hands behind your head and lower your legs just below. In this asana, the press is worked out even more efficiently.
Dog pose or Adho Mukha Schwanasan
Aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and abdominals. Starting position – sitting on your knees, head down to the floor, arms stretch forward. This asana is called the pose of the child. From this position, rise, leaning on the elongated straight arms, the pelvis tends upward, the legs slightly bent, the back is stretched. For beginners, you can bend your knees and not to straighten the spine. In this asana, the muscles of the back, legs are worked out, the calves are stretched. Feel the asana for one minute.
Yoga for weight loss for beginners
Warrior or virabhadrasana pose
We stand on the mat, legs together, raise your arms above your head and join your palms. From this position with our right foot we step forward and bend it at a 90 degree angle. The left leg remains behind and straightened, arms above. Reach for the sun. In this position, the back is stretched, the legs are strengthened.
You can make Virabhadrasanu 2 – the starting position is the same, we take a step with the right foot forward, the left one remains straight, the arms are extended to the sides, the body stands exactly. We do these poses alternating legs and stand in each minute. These asanas are suitable for working on the muscles of the legs and thighs.
Cobra or Bhujangasana pose
Starting position – lie on the mat face down, legs together, put your hands on your palms at chest level, do not extend your elbows to the sides. Raise the torso up due to the muscles of the back and arms. When the arms are straightened, we freeze for a minute, legs together. The press is worked out in this asana, and the posture is improved. Discomfort in the lower back should not be.
This is a relaxation. We lie on the rug, arms and legs are extended, the whole body is as relaxed as possible. We throw all thoughts out of our heads and rest.
Morning or evening yoga – which is more effective
Morning yoga for weight loss is considered more effective, since the body burns fat better in the morning. But you must be engaged on an empty stomach and a couple of hours after waking up.
After a set of exercises, it is not recommended to eat right away – for this reason most people practice evening yoga. It helps to relax and sleep. There is not much difference when engaged. The main thing – the regularity and diet.

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