What worries a person from time immemorial? Not many things. Among them – surprise before the heights of the human spirit and admiration for the beauty and strength of his body. In no other field are these qualities expressed so vividly as in sports.
Sport is a surprise to the heights of the human spirit and admiration for the beauty and strength of its body.
Sport is a surprise to the heights of the human spirit and admiration for the beauty and strength of its body.
The basis of the sport is the fundamental concept of the game. We do not know exactly when the first sports competitions were held, but we know when a person starts playing – from the very birth. The prominent Dutch historian and cultural scientist Johan Huizinga proposed the concept of “Nomo ludens” (“The Man of the Game”), having considered the cultural and historical development of man and humanity through the prism of the game. Indeed, is there at least one sphere of human life in which it would be impossible to find elements of the game? And yet the quintessence of the game is sport.
With a thoughtful look, it turns out that sport has become one of those building blocks on which the fragile building of human civilization is built. Sport has a magical attraction for man. Major sports events – Olympics, World Cup football – capture many people who are far from sports in their daily lives, forcing them to ache and empathize, to rejoice to madness and to get upset to tears and heart attacks. I remember how I myself, at the age of 13, watched a match in which our players beat the French, the then world champions, and “fell ill” with football forever.
World Cup Championships – a lot of people seize, in their daily life far from sports, forcing them to get sick and empathize
World Cup Championships – a lot of people seize, in their daily lives far from sports, forcing them to get sick and empathize
Sport is a drama. In it you can see incredible, and sometimes unexpected, ups and equally incredible falls. One wrong step, a late touch or an inaccurate blow can decide the fate of an athlete or an entire team. Well, when the long-term work of an athlete, overcoming injuries and pain, self-denying in many ways, is rewarded with a victory. And then everything is not in vain. I remember Vysotsky’s Song of the Jumper in Height: “And let my injury in the groin hurt. And let him jump to the limp. But I was still upstairs. And do not push me from a height! “. But victory does not come to all: not many become champions, only a few are great champions. But the latter forever inscribe their names in history, in the hearts of people. The names of Muhammad Ali, Pele, Schumacher are known even to people far from sports.
Man has always sought to go beyond his limits, to break through to the unknown. One of these opportunities gives the sport. “Know yourself,” said the ancient Greeks, who made sports an integral part of their culture and gave the world the Olympic Games. Sport helps a person to understand himself, to know what he can do, to go to the limit of his abilities, and, perhaps, to step over him.
In the modern world, sport is inextricably linked with technological progress. Scientists all over the world are working to create perfect sports equipment and costumes; they design racing cars capable of developing speed unprecedented. Sport today is not only a competition of people, but also a struggle of huge corporations and entire states. No wonder some people call sport an imitation of war.
Each person has his own relationship with sports: someone does morning exercises and does jogging, someone is limited to watching sports competitions on TV, some devote their lives to sport. The important thing is that most people are somehow involved in sports, because sport is our life.