How to choose a sports section for children? It seems to be not the most difficult question. Adults who think where to send their children to go in for sports often decide it based on their own taste and their unfulfilled desires. However, parents should be aware that the section they choose for the child, and therefore, first of all, you should focus on his abilities and capabilities.
The most important thing is not to hurry. Firstly, it is still almost impossible for babies to identify a predisposition to a particular sport. Secondly, coaches who are able to work with children are easy to count. Of the other sports at this age are available except wushu, aikido and alpine skiing. But it should be borne in mind that all such sections are commercial, there are too few of them, and they will most likely be away from your home.
On the territorial location of the sports school should think first. Long distances are tiring. And practice shows that the first tired of long-distance trips to the training is not children, but adults. It is from adults who are provoked absenteeism, and later – and refusal to engage. The very fact of the termination of training is not the worst. Another thing is that in order to justify this fact, parents and grandmothers often put forward such arguments that the child’s subconsciousness is being put off, that sport is not the most important thing and you can live without it. Of course, you can live. However, it is precisely after these cases that the hunt for doing something in general usually disappears, and then the young man chooses the usual way “school – computer – street”.
Therefore, it should be remembered – you should spend no more than 40–50 minutes on a trip to the sports section. If it turns out more – you need to find another place, take a closer look. Otherwise, the good desire for physical culture will bring elementary harm. After all, along with sports, school homework remains in life, and their performance, looking at night, is not a bright prospect.
There is a simple but effective method for choosing the territory in which the sports section should be located. This is the so-called compass method. You need to take a map of the city, find your home and put a compass needle on this place, then outline the circumference of a small radius so that the distance traveled within an hour can fit within it, taking into account traffic jams, bus expectations and subway connections. In this circle, and you need to look for a place to play sports. By the way, it happens that a young man comprehends the basics of sportsmanship across distant lands – despite the fact that an excellent sports palace, where the same sport is developed, is located through two streets.
Individual characteristics
If a child is weak in health, then sport is not for him. Sport in this case is perceived as a source of stress that endangers an already vulnerable organism. The reasons for this position are a bad cardiogram, for example, respiratory diseases, frequent injuries. But not so simple. The only serious reason to exclude sports from everyday life is disability. All the rest is a signal to look for a sport suitable for a particular child. For example, problems with pressure and vessels – a reason to stay away from martial arts, but the chance to do volleyball or mountain skiing. Bronchial asthma implies the abandonment of running loads, but it fully allows aquatic species, various types of wrestling and motor racing. Here it is important to understand that adults should know the measure in their care. All the famous champions-champions are not heroes by birth, but, on the contrary, for the most part people who overcame children’s ailments and in some way violated the recommendations of doctors.
Recommendations for choosing a sports section
First of all – it all depends on the individual characteristics of the children themselves. The child’s assessment is as objective as possible. The best predisposition of the child to a particular sport is visible in the range from 5 to 7 years. It is possible to give the baby to the section earlier, of course, but this is no more reliable choice. The global task is to maximize the use of children’s natural data.
Here, for example, the child has excess weight, and he is dragged into the football section, assuming that he will also lose weight at the same time. It is not right. In football, mobility and coordination are important, and the constitution of this child is a guarantee that the training process for him will turn into a complete humiliation. Of course, all this can lead to the rejection of sports in general. Full children are much more fit swimming, judo, some types of athletics or hockey – this, by the way, is the same game sport in which a fair amount of weight is even encouraged.
Next – growth. It is no secret that tall people are especially appreciated in games such as basketball and volleyball. Body length in centimeters is such an important factor for these games that coaches are ready to forgive potential pupils and some slowness and mediocre coordination of movements.