The natural desire of any parent is to grow the child strong and healthy. Obviously,…

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How to pump up the press: everything is simple
The abdominal region consists of four muscle groups. The transverse abdominal muscle (transversus abdominis) lies…

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Exercises for flexibility. Best exercises
What is body flexibility, what does it depend on and why does it need to…


What you need to know about Pilates?
Before you sign up for Pilates, you need to know some things about this direction.…


10 fun ways to become more active
Do you know that an active lifestyle is good for your health and body, but…

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various problems

Protein. How to take to grow steel muscles?

Millions of people every day are wondering – how to bring your body in perfect condition? It would seem, and in the hall do regularly, and eat properly, and the muscles do not grow. If you are familiar with these problems, you should turn to protein. But about how to drink protein, read on.
First, let’s figure out what protein is? Protein is the purest protein. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that, once in the body, protein is decomposed into such an important thing as amino acids. These substances, in turn, serve as an indispensable “building material” for muscles. If you want to completely transform and create the body of Apollo, then you can not do without protein. Learn to take it properly, and stable growth of muscle fibers is guaranteed. Continue reading

Handstand – not a dream, but a reality

In sport, there are often exercises that have a special beauty of performance. Handstand is no exception. How to learn to perform this spectacular exercise? How to stand on your hands so as not to lose the ease of movement and the correct technique? Are you asking these questions? Our article is for you.
To begin with, let’s say that this exercise not only has natural beauty, but also brings a lot of benefit to the body. Begin to train and understand how the handstand develops. Among its many advantages, we note:
strengthening the shoulder girdle;
back muscle pumping;
strengthening the abdominal muscles; Continue reading

What is the use of triathlon?
Triathlon training is not only available to athletes participating in competitions. Triathlon and get all…


Exercises for flexibility. Best exercises
What is body flexibility, what does it depend on and why does it need to…


How to pump up the press: everything is simple
The abdominal region consists of four muscle groups. The transverse abdominal muscle (transversus abdominis) lies…


Exercises for flexibility. Best exercises
What is body flexibility, what does it depend on and why does it need to…
