What do you know about man's muscles?
Undoubtedly, many of you will answer that we need muscles only for strength and for…

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5 Exercises to Strengthen Leg Muscles That Are Better than Squats
This article will consider 5 exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs, which are…

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Protein. How to take to grow steel muscles?
Millions of people every day are wondering - how to bring your body in perfect…


BOSU fitness
The name of bosu-fitness comes from the simulator of the same name, which commemorates the…


Fitness in the pool
Many people who want to keep fit and have a beautiful figure know that fitness…

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6 bad habits in fitness

We are engaged in fitness in order to deal with the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, and this is commendable. Not a few bad habits can make every effort in fitness in vain.
We are engaged in fitness in order to deal with the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, we make efforts to achieve our goals. It’s a shame, but just a few mistakes in fitness can make all the efforts in vain.
If you are interested, then you most likely suspect that you are doing something wrong, and your fitness goals seem unattainable. Errors in fitness can not have anything to do with the selected workouts, the number of repetitions and approaches. As a rule, mistakes go beyond the limits of the training process, get rid of them, and then the training will begin to bring the long-awaited result. Continue reading

Joint gymnastics for beginners from Sergey Bubnovsky

The Bubnovsky technique is used worldwide to treat joints. It is based on physical exercise and prevents many diseases of the motor system. And it has features, they must be considered in the process of implementation.
What features does S. Bubnovsky’s joint gymnastics have?
According to statistics, every 3rd person on Earth has a disrupted motor apparatus due to a slow-moving rhythm of life. By performing simple exercises for beginners according to S. Bubnovsky, you will be able to eliminate the negative consequences. At the same time it is necessary to move correctly. A set of exercises based on the following: Continue reading

Running now in trend. People go to trainings, prepare for races, compete with each other…


We train on Siluyanov: features and advantages of the technique
Sports can bring both benefit and harm. To get the desired result safely for health,…


Baby hardening is especially important for toddlers of infants and debilitated children (premature, suffering from…


Acrobatics for children: what is useful and harmful
Acrobatic skills quickly come to the initial level, if not deal with regularity. Riding a…
