What do you know about man's muscles?
Undoubtedly, many of you will answer that we need muscles only for strength and for…

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Walking up the stairs - go up correctly
In this article we will talk about this kind of fitness. Like walking on the…

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Walking up the stairs - go up correctly
In this article we will talk about this kind of fitness. Like walking on the…


Industrial gymnastics - for the benefit of the company
Australian scientists from the Australian University of Queensland have shown that there is almost no…


How to Make the Body Fit: Secrets of Hollywood Stars
Hollywood stars! It’s Surprisingly, It’s Your Health. They will help you build a perfect body.…

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building muscles


A modern adult is increasingly trying to move away from the stereotype of “lying on the couch” at the TV lazy. And this is the right decision, because an active life position not only helps a person to see the world in all its colors, but also strengthens health, helps to prolong and improve the quality of life. Sports will help you to gain perfect physical form, strengthen immunity, look at life in a new way and achieve success in life, because physical activity develops stamina and strength of mind in a person. Therefore, if you want to start playing sports, you need to consider many options and choose the most suitable one for you.
Fitness and gym Continue reading


Sport is not just good physical fitness. For a certain category of people, sport is the business of a lifetime, the work to which they have devoted themselves from beginning to end. The reasons may be different – the desire to prove the greatness of human capabilities, the struggle for their country, self-improvement, finally, just an incredible will to win. In this article we will talk about the most famous athletes on the planet.
Perhaps there is no other name in the world that would be so firmly associated with tremendous physical strength, like the name of Ivan Poddubny. Continue reading

Industrial gymnastics – for the benefit of the company

Australian scientists from the Australian University of Queensland have shown that there is almost no benefit from a morning jog if a person then sits at his desk for several hours in a row, and that the employees simply need at least minimal gymnastics.
According to the study (scientists studied data on 4,757 patients from 2003 to 2006), people whose professional duties were not limited to sitting at the computer, weight gain was not detected, and passive office plankton not only recovered, but also got dangerous indicators blood cholesterol levels.
Scientists recommend introducing regular sports breaks into the work schedule, which will not affect the performance of the enterprise, but, most likely, will make employees healthier and, as a result, more efficient. Continue reading

What worries a person from time immemorial? Not many things. Among them - surprise before…


Acrobatics for children: what is useful and harmful
Acrobatic skills quickly come to the initial level, if not deal with regularity. Riding a…


Female fitness: which is better for keeping fit
In the modern world, a slim figure with elastic, not hanging muscles, having, nevertheless, female…


What is aqua aerobics
Aqua aerobics is more a form of fitness than a sports discipline. It is a…
