What do you know about man's muscles?
Undoubtedly, many of you will answer that we need muscles only for strength and for…

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Fitness at the age of 50+
Most people aged 50 years and older do not get enough physical activity, they lead…

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What do you know about man's muscles?
Undoubtedly, many of you will answer that we need muscles only for strength and for…


Joint gymnastics for beginners from Sergey Bubnovsky
The Bubnovsky technique is used worldwide to treat joints. It is based on physical exercise…


What do you know about man's muscles?
Undoubtedly, many of you will answer that we need muscles only for strength and for…

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Sport in the life of a woman after giving birth

Every woman has a different recovery period after giving birth. Before you start to play sports and give the body increased physical activity after carrying a child, you should consult with the gynecologist and find out how much the body has recovered after pregnancy and childbirth.
All young mothers are different: someone is already starting to run in the second month after giving birth, and someone needs a longer time to recover. On average, a woman needs about 100 days to fully recover from childbirth. During this period, doctors do not recommend engaging in hard sports and overloading the body, even if the child is on artificial feeding. If there are tears during the birth, you can play sports after six months to avoid the danger of seam divergence. Continue reading

Unusual, but gaining in the form of training

Sometimes the usual forms of fitness bother and do not cause any more interest. Recently, however, new forms are gaining popularity, which are based on an unusual and even slightly experimental approach. Here are six such workouts, with which you can lose weight and develop the body:
1. Zumba
Zumba is an energetic workout based on different types of dance. If you choose zumbo classes in the classroom, you will come across the usual form of training when the group repeats the movements behind the instructor. Activities are very diverse, interesting and energetic, so you burn calories and improve your physical condition. Continue reading

Fitness in the pool

Many people who want to keep fit and have a beautiful figure know that fitness classes in the pool are very effective and beneficial for their overall health. The main advantage of performing various exercises in water is the complete lack of possibility of injury.
When performing a set of exercises, tension of various muscles of the body occurs, as a result of which the body consumes more energy. Such exercises are suitable for people suffering from overweight. Continue reading

Fitness at the age of 50+
Most people aged 50 years and older do not get enough physical activity, they lead…


How to Make the Body Fit: Secrets of Hollywood Stars
Hollywood stars! It’s Surprisingly, It’s Your Health. They will help you build a perfect body.…


Acrobatics for children: what is useful and harmful
Acrobatic skills quickly come to the initial level, if not deal with regularity. Riding a…


Pharmacology in bodybuilding or permitted anabolics
Professional athletes, bodybuilders, other fans of "muscular" sports often resort to the use of additional…
