Fitness at the age of 50+
Most people aged 50 years and older do not get enough physical activity, they lead…

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Principles of fitness and general health
In order to achieve any goal in fitness, training and nutrition must comply with the…

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How to keep your body in shape
Everyone wants to look good, but not everyone knows the basic principles that should be…


Acrobatics for children: what is useful and harmful
Acrobatic skills quickly come to the initial level, if not deal with regularity. Riding a…


Exercises for flexibility. Best exercises
What is body flexibility, what does it depend on and why does it need to…

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natural oils

Female fitness and perfect bust

The popular myth that exercise is harmful to the chest, has long been debunked. If you want your breasts to be in shape, run to the gym. Regular workouts will help keep the muscles of the breast in good shape, which will give the breast seductive shape. Fitness – your faithful assistant in this matter. You can also train on simulators, but a complex trainer for pectoral muscles should be developed by a competent trainer.
You can “tighten” your chest if you are engaged in sports in which the main load falls on the shoulder girdle. Continue reading

A modern adult is increasingly trying to move away from the stereotype of "lying on…


Sport and pregnancy
A visit to the fitness club is one of the integral parts of the life…


Truth and bodybuilding rumors
In order for bodybuilding to be successful, it is necessary to pump not only muscles,…


Quantity or quality: what is more important in berpie?
If you were once offered to do one exercise instead of ten and promised to…
