A modern adult is increasingly trying to move away from the stereotype of "lying on…

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How to pump up the press: everything is simple
The abdominal region consists of four muscle groups. The transverse abdominal muscle (transversus abdominis) lies…

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Running now in trend. People go to trainings, prepare for races, compete with each other…


10 fun ways to become more active
Do you know that an active lifestyle is good for your health and body, but…


What do you know about man's muscles?
Undoubtedly, many of you will answer that we need muscles only for strength and for…

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Industrial gymnastics – for the benefit of the company

Australian scientists from the Australian University of Queensland have shown that there is almost no benefit from a morning jog if a person then sits at his desk for several hours in a row, and that the employees simply need at least minimal gymnastics.
According to the study (scientists studied data on 4,757 patients from 2003 to 2006), people whose professional duties were not limited to sitting at the computer, weight gain was not detected, and passive office plankton not only recovered, but also got dangerous indicators blood cholesterol levels.
Scientists recommend introducing regular sports breaks into the work schedule, which will not affect the performance of the enterprise, but, most likely, will make employees healthier and, as a result, more efficient. Continue reading

Stretching at home - the effect on the face
With the help of stretching, you can make your muscles more elastic and sturdier, tighten…


Joint gymnastics for beginners from Sergey Bubnovsky
The Bubnovsky technique is used worldwide to treat joints. It is based on physical exercise…


How to Make the Body Fit: Secrets of Hollywood Stars
Hollywood stars! It’s Surprisingly, It’s Your Health. They will help you build a perfect body.…


Fitness in the pool
Many people who want to keep fit and have a beautiful figure know that fitness…
