Female Fitness: Myths about women in the fitness industry
In the gym, we find a distinction between the loads for men and women's fitness…

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Quantity or quality: what is more important in berpie?
If you were once offered to do one exercise instead of ten and promised to…

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Sport is not just good physical fitness. For a certain category of people, sport is…


6 bad habits in fitness
We are engaged in fitness in order to deal with the consequences of a sedentary…


Yoga for weight loss - types and exercises
The concept of yoga comes from Indian culture. It includes spiritual practices and exercise in…

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receive changes

The result of fitness: why not improve physical fitness?

Have you noticed that after long workouts and proper nutrition – the result of fitness is absent?
It happens that a person goes in for sports, but notices that he has no effect on him. The physical form does not improve, health does not improve, nothing happens, even after weeks of hard work.
This really happens, and this is not just assumptions – this fact is confirmed by research scientists. Indeed, in some people, the body does not respond to physical exertion. As a result of unsuccessful efforts, such people often stop classes completely. Is it worth doing? Not.
Scientists’ assumptions Continue reading

How to keep your body in shape
Everyone wants to look good, but not everyone knows the basic principles that should be…


Quantity or quality: what is more important in berpie?
If you were once offered to do one exercise instead of ten and promised to…


Female Fitness: Myths about women in the fitness industry
In the gym, we find a distinction between the loads for men and women's fitness…


Industrial gymnastics - for the benefit of the company
Australian scientists from the Australian University of Queensland have shown that there is almost no…
