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Sport and pregnancy

A visit to the fitness club is one of the integral parts of the life of modern girls. Physical activity has a beneficial effect on the body, keeps muscles in shape and helps to fight excess weight.
But with the onset of pregnancy, the lifestyle of most women is changing dramatically. Future mothers are afraid to play sports in order not to harm the child, but, at the same time, they do not want to lose the figure that they have been working on for a long time.
Research scientists have shown that moderate exercise during pregnancy has a positive effect on the development of the baby and the health of the mother. The most important thing is to consult with your doctor beforehand, and also to work under the guidance of an experienced trainer.
In the first and last two months of pregnancy, in order not to put your child at risk, it is worth giving up. In the remaining 5 months, you can neatly work out at the gym, reducing training time and significantly reducing physical activity. In no case can not perform exercises for the abdominals and jumping.
Attend a gym preferably at least two and no more than three times a week. Classes once a week will not bring any benefit, they will only introduce the body into a state of stress, which is contraindicated to the expectant mother.
Together with your coach, make a lesson plan, it should start with a warm-up (10 minutes), followed by the main part (20 minutes) and at the end of a hitch (5 minutes).
An exercise bike, a variety of treadmills and other cardiovascular equipment are perfect for warming up. Their great advantage is that they can change the load on them and follow the pulse.
During the main part, attention should be paid to simulators, which should be practiced sitting and with emphasis for the back. They are designed to work the muscles of the arms, legs, back, as well as the deltoid and pectoral.
Exercises should also be completed on cardiovascular machines, but with less intensity than at the beginning. Experience shows that the more time a woman takes to physical exertion during pregnancy, the easier it is to give birth and the body recovers faster.
How to behave during training?
Before, during and after exercise, be sure to drink the amount of fluid your body needs. It is worth drinking only water without gas of room temperature; discard carbonated drinks and juices.
A big role in the classroom is breathing. It is necessary to inhale at the difficult stages of work, and to exhale at the lighter ones. Exercise increases the body temperature of each person. Therefore, before starting your classes, you should ventilate the room well, but during exercise it should be warm with a comfortable level of humidity.
Dress should be as easy as possible. Sports pants, breeches or shorts, as well as T-shirts or shirts should be made of natural fabric, create condensation and not hamper your movements.
If suddenly during exercise you feel worse, have shortness of breath, weakness, pain in the lower abdomen or discharge, immediately stop exercising and go to the doctor, as this may entail serious consequences.
If pregnancy passes easily and nothing bothers you, then sports will only bring pleasure and have a positive impact on the upcoming birth.
Classes after childbirth
If you can not do without sports, then immediately after childbirth are advised to do aerobics. For her, it is not necessary to look for time every day, work when it is convenient for you. Purchase a CD or find a workout plan on the Internet and follow it in your free time. A huge plus is the presence of a simulator at home, it could be an ellipsoid, exercise bike, treadmill or stepper. All of them are desirable to use in addition to aerobics. Devoting classes is enough just one hour a day. The human body considers the cost of energy for 24 hours. Therefore, if you give training for 10 minutes several times a day, you will get the desired result.
After birth, the weight that was before pregnancy is not an indication of your usual form. Require special attention the abdominal muscles. For a long time they were very stretched, because of this the stomach looks saggy. Few people believe, but to return a flat stomach – a very real task. The press can be pumped up at home, because training does not require special equipment, the most important thing is to allocate a little more time to classes.
Everyone understands that after giving birth you need to work on the stomach. But the previous load will not bring any result. Exercises on the press, it is desirable to do about 500 times a day. At first glance, this seems like a big and scary figure, but it is worth dividing it into 3 approaches, and you will understand that everything is not that difficult. A few months of constant work, and your tummy will be perfect. Even if you have never played sports before.

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