What is aqua aerobics
Aqua aerobics is more a form of fitness than a sports discipline. It is a…

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What is aqua aerobics
Aqua aerobics is more a form of fitness than a sports discipline. It is a…

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Moms Note: Sport after Cesarean
Restoration of physical condition after cesarean, return to an active lifestyle interests almost all modern…


The result of fitness: why not improve physical fitness?
Have you noticed that after long workouts and proper nutrition - the result of fitness…


How to Make the Body Fit: Secrets of Hollywood Stars
Hollywood stars! It’s Surprisingly, It’s Your Health. They will help you build a perfect body.…

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Yoga for weight loss – types and exercises

The concept of yoga comes from Indian culture. It includes spiritual practices and exercise in order to achieve a person’s elevated state or nirvana.
Many people confuse yoga and fitness, because they see it in the schedule of halls. But these are different directions: yoga works both on the body and on the mind.
First, during intense breathing exercises, the body is saturated with oxygen and the metabolism is accelerated. Due to this, weight loss will be more effective. Continue reading

What you need to know about Pilates?
Before you sign up for Pilates, you need to know some things about this direction.…


How to keep your body in shape
Everyone wants to look good, but not everyone knows the basic principles that should be…


The natural desire of any parent is to grow the child strong and healthy. Obviously,…


How to develop flexibility?
What determines the flexibility of a person? Is it important for athletes and ordinary fitness…
